How Intergage Group Partnered with Lpd-Themes to Transform a Client’s Website
About Intergage Group
Industry: Marketing
Company Size: Small-Market (11-50 employees)
Location: United Kingdom
Use Case:
- Website migration
- Minor facelift
- GrowFast Pro Theme
- Lpd-Themes Free Migration
Intergage Group' Pains
Intergage Group wanted to help Hennik Research develop an improved website, but it couldn’t migrate from GrowFast Free to GrowFast Pro without expert advice.
The company also specifically wanted to know how to best utilize advanced features within the Pro version, such as the Mega Menu feature.
Finally, the most important requirement was a seamless switch to GrowFast Pro.
Posed with an intense challenge, Lpd-Themes immediately got to work outlining potential solutions that would minimize development time while still resulting in the best outcome possible. Working closely alongside the Intergage Group team, Lpd-Themes strategized extensively and conceptualized the following steps:
1) Rebuilding the website
Lpd-Themes decided to follow the “rebuilding” route, planning to reconstruct the company’s existing pages. Along the way, Lpd-Themes would also improve the spacing across some pages to improve user experience and set responsive options offered by GrowFast Pro. Along with optimized images, this resulted in a website that performs much better on mobile devices.
2) Creating a Mega Menu
Supplied with Intergage Group’s desired details, wireframe, and content, Lpd-Themes created a Mega Menu for the new site. Apart from aesthetic appeal, the feature greatly enhances user experience.
3) Maintaining website data
Recognizing Hennik Research’s concerns about accidentally losing data (such as page views, clicks, etc.), Lpd-Themes ensured nothing would be lost during migration.
Lpd-Themes was successful in rebuilding 15 website pages utilizing the GrowFast Pro version, all for a total of less than $1,500 — a bargain price for such an extensive project. Thanks to the solution, Hennik Research received improved spacing throughout some pages, optimized images, and responsive options for mobile devices.
The migration from GrowFast Free to GrowFast Pro took less than two weeks!
Nothing was lost during the migration, ensuring Hennik Research retained crucial data from the existing GrowFast Free site.
