How Cookaborough Re-platformed its Blog for a Bargain Price
About Cookaborough
Industry: Information Technology Services
Company Size: Small-Market (11-25 employees)
Location: Australia
Use Case:
- Webflow blog migration
- Redesign
- GrowFast Pro Theme
- Lpd-Themes Free Migration
Cookaborough’s Pain Points
Re-platforming a Webflow blog website presented only a minimal cost, whereas building a custom-made blog could cost up to $10,000.
Hubspot’s functionalities make it far easier for the Cookaborough team to manage and upload necessary aspects.
Cookaborough’s previous website offered no effective solution for their landing page.
Developmental Challenges
Our Solutions
After consulting with Cookaborough to ensure our proposed solutions would satisfy their requirements, our team began tackling each issue. With the company’s specific considerations in mind, we began crafting an updated website Cookaborough could be proud to show off. Some of the solutions that we implemented along the way included:
1) Building a New HubSpot Blog
Cookaborough needed a better blog page that would intrigue visitors and invite them to learn more about the company. However, they couldn’t risk losing their original branding — something that was no problem for the Lpd-Themes. As such, we built them a new HubSpot blog with a look and feel that maintained its identity.
2) Building Custom Landing Templates
Cookaborough’s previous Webflow website didn’t have a great solution for its landing pages, making them less effective at capturing visitors in the long run. So, using our GrowFast theme, we built three custom landing templates for the company — all of which kept its original branding in consideration.
3) Re-platforming the Website with GrowFast
Our powerful GrowFast theme was the only solution we needed to re-platform Cookaborough’s Webflow blog onto HubSpot CMS. The simple process ensured the company could continue its marketing efforts without a hitch, all while enjoying an updated facelift.
For less than $1,500, our client received three partially custom-made landing pages and a new HubSpot blog built using our GrowFast theme.
Cookaborough was incredibly pleased with the experienced and expects to re-platform its current website to HubSpot CMS using Lpd-Themes’ service.
Migrating the company’s blog from Webflow to HubSpot CMS took less than two weeks and maintained all previous blog functions.
Cookaborough blog

Blog post