100% Satisfaction Guarantee

        Not satisfied? Get a full refund (no hassle) within 30 days.

        30 Day Refund (Hassle-free) if You're Not Happy


        It's our pleasure to guarantee 100% satisfaction with the GrowFast theme, your experience with it, and the support that we provide along with it.

        We'll be happy to offer you a full (no-hassle) refund within 30 days if the GrowFast theme does not meet your needs, you decide to go another direction, or maybe you'd like to move away from HubSpot.

        Have you had a poor experience with HubSpot themes in the past?

        In the past 15 years, We have heard about many customer challenges customizing CMS themes. These themes aren't all flexible, can't be updated, or require a developer for customization. It is understandable to be cautious.

        I offer our 100% satisfaction guarantee in part due to this reason. It's essential that you and your team feel comfortable with the purchase decision.

        Frequently Asked Questions

        What is the process for requesting a refund?
        Click on the purchased tab of the HubSpot marketplace. Please select "request a refund" from the theme, pack, or single template dropdown. We will receive an email inviting me to contact you regarding the refund request.
        How long does it take to receive a refund?
        We usually process refund requests within 24 hours. The refund will be added back to your credit card within 5-10 days after processing it through Stripe.
        What if I have already used our 2 free hours?
        There has never been an incident like that. Using the GrowFast Theme's 6-free customization hours is very unlikely to result in you requesting a refund. For any refund requests following the free 6-hours, We will refund the difference between the price you paid USD 1489 and the market price for the 6-hour customization pack (currently USD 900) if you have taken advantage of the free 6-hours within 30 days.
        What is the purpose of 30 days?
        HubSpot CMS is required some learning time; We want you to have ample time to learn how the templates and modules work. We think 30 days is a fair amount of time.
        Is it possible to discourage me from going?
        Your happiness is our goal. As long as We can help you solve a problem or provide a more transparent example of using a theme feature, both of us can benefit. Your happiness is our happiness.
        It sounds too good to be true.
        The offer does not come with a catch. As We said, We believe GrowFast is of the highest quality HubSpot theme, and the experience you will have using them is second to none. Offering a guarantee of this sort makes perfect sense to me.